We're very pleased and honoured to include on our web site some work by the architectural students from the prestigious American university, Drury University, from their centre in Aegina (Drury Centre in Greece, Petriti 2, Aegina 18010, Greece, www.drury.edu/aigina). If you want to view the images in full size or download them then right-click on the text next to the image e.g. Architectural Drawing No. n (or Command+Click on Mac, or press and hold on phones/tablets) then click 'save link as'.
You can read more about the exhibition and our part in it here: https://www.aeginaportal.gr/eidiseis/deltia-typou/24015-deltio-typou-gia-tin-epityxia-tis-ekthesis-tis-omadas-aegina-coastal-path.html